An Option is sought to take this plot through to a planning consent. An outline planning application was recently refused. The plot is within the defined settlement limits in a sustainable village location and the principle of development is supported. The plot is not within the conservation area and there are no heritage assets or listed buildings in the vicinity that would be impacted by a new dwelling. There have been no previous applications prior to this refusal. The planning application stated a 3-bedroom detached house, as did the Officer Report, however the scale and appearance of the new dwelling was not part of the outline application, which only sought to determine the layout. The application was refused for four stated reasons which, briefly, are: -
1. Out of keeping built form.
2. Overbearing.
3. Fails to make adequate parking provision.
4. A recreational disturbance to the Chiltern Beechwoods special area of conservation.
No drawings were submitted, just a block plan. The plot is in a desirable village location some 7 miles south of Leighton Buzzard and to the east of Aylesbury.